Other websites that are a useful source for anyone interested in markets.
Ordered alphabetically.
Bulkowski’s Pattern Site
Bulkowski’s Pattern Site - Legacy trader who documents and evaluates patterns used in technical analysis. Bulkowski usually documents at least roughly how much success rate you get from trading on each pattern.
Bollinger’s market timing chart packs
Bollinger’s market timing chart packs - Chart packs of legacy index funds plotting metrics that can be used for market timing and judging the macro conditions of the markets. The reports are not archived on the website, you are meant to subscribe to the email and archive it yourself.
Steidlmayer’s market profile lectures
Steidlmayer’s market profile technique video lectures - Market profile is a technique that combines statistics with technical analysis. It is a way to visualise if a market is ranging or trending.
ThisMatter - Resourceful website that uses simple examples to explain even complex concepts such as options.